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March 24, 1933

This week Joseph Buloff and Luba Kadison visited the editorial office of the "Forward" and delivered a greeting from the Yiddish theatre, and from the Jewish lives in South America from where they just now returned.

"The Yiddish theatre in Argentina has a wonderful public and really great possibilities. The appetite for theatre is exceptional, like here with us, I thought, forty years ago, when immigration in the country was going on with a force," they said.

They played for some thirty or so weeks in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. In Buenos Aires they gave 165 productions, playing night-in and night-out.

For that time they performed seventeen plays, among them: "Murder" by Langer, Leivick's "Chains" and "Shop," Pirandello's "He, She and the Ox," Dymow's "The Singer of his Sorrows," Ressler's "60,000 Heroes" (a new play), and others. In Brazil Buloff and Kadison spent two months, and during that time they gave twenty-one productions.

In Buenos Aires, the guests recall, the Jewish population is around 125,000 souls. These are immigrants from Poland and Galicia, from Romania and Austria, as well as from other countries. And it appears that they have naturalized themselves to the country and economically establish themselves. They love theatre and often visit it, especially when they have a guest with a name, and they love serious plays, well-performed and well-acted.

In general, Kadison and Buloff said, that the Jews are not living badly in South America. The Yiddish press shines there. There exists two daily newspapers with quite a circulation and weekly journals. The condition among the co-workers of the newspapers now is already more collegial, a condition of professionalism. An attempt has already been made to organize the newspaper co-workers into a community union, and it is hoped that in the near future the writers will consider themselves as members of one profession, and not as adherents of particular newspapers.

One should not forget that several years ago the contributor of one Yiddish newspaper in Buenos Aires considered the others as deadly enemies. For actors then there was a very bitter situation. The actors had to speak with a writer of one newspaper, and the writer of the other newspaper would look on him as a sold person, and turned away.

The new situations among the writer of the Yiddish newspapers are welcomed by Yiddish actors, even more so by the Jewish public, because the cultural lives awaken there. There exists there quite a number of Yiddish schools, Yiddish organizations.

In Argentina there are places even for a Yiddish newspaper, Buloff and Kadison said. It is expected that in the near future such a newspaper will start to appear. They even expect to import a number of Yiddish writers to the United States.

In their conversation with the writer of these lines, Miss Kadison tells interesting details about the women in South America. Its situation is precisely not any good. Due to the white slavery that left sharp traces on the social life of the country, the woman there is still quite fettered and bound. She can't even step out of the house without her husband. Even in a restaurant she must sit in the special section for families if she doesn't want to be thought of as a member of the underworld ....





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