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They Graced Our Stages: The Yiddish Theatre Troupes
(1910 to 1957)

People's Theatre
appeared in the "Album of the Yiddish Theatre"

A reading of the "Storm of Life" by
its author, Leon Kobrin.
September 1910


Left to right: Samuel Rosenstein, Bella Gudinska, Boris Thomashefsky, Jacob Hochstein, Leon Kobrin (author),
Bessie Thomashefsky, Leon Blank, Sigmund Weintraub, Rebecca Weintraub, and Bina Abramowitz.

This play, "Storm of Life" by Leon Kobrin, opened at the People's Theatre on September 6, 1910.
It was preceded by the following plays at the People's:
"The New York Boarders" by Boris Thomashefsky, The Yeshiva Student (Der yeshive bokhur)," by Isidor Solotorefsky,
"Dos pintele yid," Tate-mames tsores," and "The Jewish Soul."








List courtesy of YIVO (Yiddish Institute for Jewish Research).

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