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Preserving a Legacy -- Remembering the Past for the Present and Future Generations.

Jewish culture is the culture of the Jewish people throughout the world. Culture, in itself, has many facets and many forms.
Included within the realm of culture are such creative endeavors as literature, art, cinema, theatre, dance, radio and TV, and music.
There are other aspects, and the Museum will gradually endeavor to try to adequately represent them, initially in the form of "exhibitions,"
which will be presented with the hope that it will inspire and educate the public to the beauty and history of the culture of the Jewish peopl

Celia Adler:
Her Life in Yiddish Theatre ...
Sholom Secunda:
The Man and His Music
Welcome to the Movies!:
The Film in History

Dance Literature
Histories of the Yiddish Playwrights
The Eye of the Artist:
Reflections of Jewish Life
The Quintessential Jewish Mother:
Gertrude Berg and Molly Goldberg

A Word About Yiddish in America:
The Debate about Yiddish in Yiddish Schools
(to come)


On the Air!:
The Zylbercweig Yiddish Radio Hour


About the Above Representations:

Theatre: The Second Avenue Theatre, New York, New York.
Music: Sheet music cover for the song, "Just Say When," from the play, "What Girls Do," with Molly Picon.
Film: A group photograph of the actors who participated in the Yiddish film, with Leo Fuchs, Yetta Zwerling et al.
Dance: Belle Didjah, who was the choreographer for a good number of Yiddish productions.
Literature: The great Yiddish writer, Sholem Aleichem.
Art: The famous painter and muralist, Mar Chagall.
Television: Gertrude Berg, who played "Molly Goldberg," on both television (1949-56) and radio (1929-1946).
Language: The past. present and future of our glorious Yiddish language, and its many facets.
Radio: Zalmen Zylbercweig and his wife Celia broadcast a Yiddish hour on radio from a studio at99 their Los Angeles home for many years.





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